
The name Sapphire derives from the Latin word “Saphirus” and the Greek word “Sapheiros” both meaning blue.
Sapphires are precious gemstones that belong to the mineral corundum family and exist in a variety of colours ranging from blue, pink, green, yellow, orange, purple, colourless and black. The most famous fancy colour is Padparadscha sapphire (orange-pink; Lotus flower colour) also known as King Sapphire and the most valuable of them all is the cornflower blue colour, known as Kashmir Sapphire (which is now exhausted). The current producing regions are Sri-Lanka and Africa.
These precious gemstones are the Birthstone for September.
Sapphires were believed to guard against evil and poisoning. It was traditionally a most preferred stone by priests and kings as it signifies purity and wisdom.
Sapphires have also been worn by royalty like Princess Diana & Princess Anne as it is a symbol of good fortune.
 They both received sapphire engagement rings and the British Crown Jewels are covered in large blue sapphires.
Sapphires are generally hard and durable gemstones because of its hardness and can be set on rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets. 

At Gemworld Limited you can get these beautiful gemstones from our exclusive Sapphire collection!
If you would like something in particular and don’t see it on our site please don’t hesitate to contact us, as we may have it in our offices abroad.


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