
Rubies are the most valuable gemstone variety of the corundum mineral family. Because of its vibrant and intense red colour, it stands out from the sapphire gemstones in this mineral family.

These gemstones have been mined in Thailand, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Namibia, Japan and Scotland.

 Later through the years after the World War II, rubies were found in Madagascar, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tanzania and Vietnam.

The name Ruby derives from the latin word ‘ruber’ which means red. It was used for the red corundum. the name eventually went from ruber to “rubinus” to ruby. 

It is known to be the most precious of the 12 stones created by God.

Many medieval Europeans wore rubies to guarantee health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love.

Ruby is the Birthstone for July and the gem for the 15th and 40th anniversaries.

As a symbol of passion, ruby makes an ideal romantic gift because of its lush colour. 

Gemworld Limited offers a you sparkling collection of Rubies that will inspire you!

If you would like something in particular and don’t see it on our site please don’t hesitate to contact us, as we may have it in our offices abroad.


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