2.51 ct Catseye Chrysoberyl CHRY001

2.51 ct Catseye Chrysoberyl CHRY001

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Catseye Chrysoberyl

Weight 2.51 ct

Shape Oval

Clarity Eye Clean

Dimensions 7.9 x 6.7 x 4.7 mm

Cut Cabochon

Color Brown

Origin Tanzania

1 in stock

Like the eye of a sleek feline predator, the chrysoberyl cat’s eye winks at the astonished observer – a real miracle of Nature!
That’s why only this attractive gemstone has the right to the short, fitting name of “cat’s eye”. This gem is really something special with its narrow, bright band of light on a shimmering golden background, which seems to glide magically across the surface when the stone is moved.The name ‘chrysoberyl’ comes from the Greek and means ‘gold-coloured beryl’.The cat’s eye most of all is seen as a particularly effective protective stone and talisman. On account of its golden tones, chrysoberyl is often also associated with wealth – and this idea is certainly not without foundation, since in its most beautiful form as a high-quality cat’s eye it is up among the gemstones of the luxury class.

Catseye Chrysoberyl

Weight 2.51 ct

Shape Oval

Clarity Eye Clean

Dimensions 7.9 x 6.7 x 4.7 mm

Cut Cabochon

Color Brown

Origin Tanzania


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